Welcome to SAS Travel, Peru, Machupicchu and the Andes…. Inca Trail to Machupicchu Licensed Specialist Operator. Leaders of Quality & Personalized treks and tours in Cusco, Manu National Park and Peru. Your memorable experience and superior service during your holidays touring with SAS Travel are our priority and full concern, 100% operated by SAS Travel and guaranteed departures for affordable prices, environmentally and socially friendly company. Direct Operators and run by a local family. Highly recommended by more than 200,000.00 happy campers. Trips with SAS Travel ... A spiritual journey for your mind, body and soul... Escape, travel, explore, dream, discover, trek and relax. You will love it this New Adventure !!!

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    • SAS Travel Peru - So much more than you were looking for!
    • SAS Travel Peru - Inca Trail to Machupicchu Licensed Specialist Operator
    • SAS Travel Peru - Experience & Expertise since 1990
    • SAS Travel Peru - Recommended by Lonely Planet
    • SAS Travel Peru - Recommended by Lonely Planet
    • SAS Travel Peru - So much more than you were looking for!
    • SAS Travel Peru - Inca Trail to Machupicchu Licensed Specialist Operator
    • SAS Travel Peru - Experience & Expertise since 1990
    • SAS Travel Peru - So much more than you were looking for!
    • SAS Travel Peru - Inca Trail to Machupicchu Licensed Specialist Operator!
    • SAS Travel Peru - Experience & Expertise since 1990
    • SAS Travel Peru - Recommended by Lonely Planet
    • SAS Travel Peru - Recommended by Lonely Planet
    • SAS Travel Peru - So much more than you were looking for!
    • SAS Travel Peru - Inca Trail to Machupicchu Licensed Specialist Operator
    • SAS Travel Peru - Experience & Expertise since 1990
    • SAS Travel Peru - Recommended by Lonely Planet
    • SAS Travel Peru - So much more than you were looking for!
    • SAS Travel Peru - Inca Trail to Machupicchu Licensed Specialist Operator
    • SAS Travel Peru - Experience & Expertise since 1990
    • SAS Travel Peru - Recommended by Lonely Planet
    • SAS Travel Peru - So much more than you were looking for!
    • SAS Travel Peru - Inca Trail to Machupicchu Licensed Specialist Operator
    • SAS Travel Peru - Experience & Expertise since 1990
    • SAS Travel Peru - Recommended by Lonely Planet
    • SAS Travel Peru - So much more than you were looking for!
    • SAS Travel Peru - Inca Trail to Machupicchu Licensed Specialist Operator
    • SAS Travel Peru - Experience & Expertise since 1990
    • SAS Travel Peru - Recommended by Lonely Planet
    • SAS Travel Peru - So much more than you were looking for!
    • SAS Travel Peru - Inca Trail to Machupicchu Licensed Specialist Operator
    • SAS Travel Peru - Experience & Expertise since 1990
    • SAS Travel Peru - Recommended by Lonely Planet
    • SAS Travel Peru - So much more than you were looking for!
    • SAS Travel Peru - Inca Trail to Machupicchu Licensed Specialist Operator
    • SAS Travel Peru - Experience & Expertise since 1990
SAS Travel Peru - Cusco, Peru SAS Travel Peru - Cusco, Peru SAS Travel Peru - Cusco, Peru

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Reviews and Testimonials


I'm a 20 year old American. I hiked the Inca Trail on the 28th of August. Thanks to my guides, Fredd and Eder, the Inca trail was the highlight of my trip to Peru. Fredd kept us on track, but always with respect and a sense of humor. I enjoyed learning about the culture and history from him. It is inspiring that he is so passionate about his country and his work. I noticed that Eder always listened carefully when Fredd was talking about the Incas/Quechua.
I was the only one in my group with a full pack. On the first night Fredd and Eder convinced me to hire a porter for the next day which was the hardest and longest. I'm glad that they did convince me because it was hard enough with the lighter pack. It was nice that they took care of me and it showed how experienced and caring they are.
It felt like we were a family. I will never forget the Inca Trail. I would like to go again with Fredd and Eder.

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Jeff and Amy Clauss (Chico & Dille)

I wanted to say thank you to SAS for a great trek. The service was outstanding and the food incredible. We were very impressed and will highly recommend SAS to our friends. We also wanted to thank Fredd and Dalmiro for being the best guides and leaders. They were also amazing and always helpful. Thanks again!

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Michael Garry

My son and I went on an Inca Trail group trek to Machu Pichu in August and it was an excellent experience. SAS is very organized and has set it up so that trekkers get the very best experience. From excellent food and campsites, to great porters and guides. Our guides Fredd (head guide) and Dalmiro (asst. guide) were fantastic and really made the experience even more memorable for us. Fredd had a great way of sharing his incredible knowledge and obvious love of the environment and history, and making it fun all the while. I really liked the way we could ask any question about plants, animals, stars, history, archeology...and Fredd and Dalmiro had knowledgable and interesting answers. Both Fredd and Dalmiro brought a great mix of fun-loving participation and seriousness to the trek. They were very supportive in the great challenge (for us low-landers) of trekking the Inca Trail and did all they could to make sure we had the best experience possible, including fostering a sense of family and togetherness with our whole group. I would definitely recommend SAS to a friend and think they would be lucky to have Fredd and Dalmiro as their guides.

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Marisa Chaves

My husband and I went to Peru for our honeymoon. We both got altitude sickness on the trek, but our guides, Fredd and Dalmiro (and the lovely porters), really helped us get through it and allowed us to enjoy the trek. I definitely would not have made it without them. They were concerned and kind, and never made us feel bad for being slow (even though we were). Fredd was extremely knowledgeable about plants, the land, the Incas, Machu Picchu, and anything else you wanted to know about Peru. We couldn't have asked for better guides.

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Alex carter

My wife and I selected Peru for our honeymoon and knew we wanted to hike the Inca Trail and end at Machu Picchu. After doing some research we decided to choose SAS as our tour agency during the trip...and we are so happy we did!

The service from the porters and the chef were wonderful and they made this dream of ours possible.
Fredd and Oscar were our guides and were spectacular. There passion and knowledge was exceptional. They were fun, energetic, kind and professional. Their lectures were entertaining and informative and I truely believe no other company can match their knowledge of this trail, the Inca People and the way of life of the native people. We have been on many world tours and they were the best guides we have had yet!

Thank you for everything SAS!

Haelie and Alex Carter

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Weidemann/Harker family

Weidemann/Harker family

Family-like relationship between guide and porters. A real concern for welfare of everyone - especially the trekkers. Comfortable personal relationships during a strenuous physical adventure. Aldo, our guide was well organized, sincere, prideful of his heritage and very attentive to the concerns of everyone.
Highly recommended ++!!
7-11-10 to 7-14-10.

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Staicy Thomas

Staicy Thomas

My best friend and our brothers did the 3 day Huchuy Qosqo Hike and Machu Picchu Tour. Our tour guide was Rueben and he was amazing! Rueben and team really took care of us (especially me as I got really bad altitude sickness and Rueben was able to identify the signs even before I started to feel them). Everyone at SAS is extremely helpful and the tour was very well organized. The trip was amazing, the views beautiful and the perfect experience for folks who have about one week to travel. Would highly recommend SAS and Rueben/team!

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Terry Lindsay and Barbara Hartman

Dear Mr. David Quintana,

I recently completed the four-day trek to Machu Picchu with your tour company and I just wanted to let you know what a great experience it was. You have a wonderful trekking staff—guides, cooks, and porter—who made our experience unforgettable. I want to especially commend our guides Fred and Valentin. What wonderful men they are. They treated everyone in our group with much respect, courtesy, and compassion. Both guides are very skilled at what they do and possess excellent leadership qualities.

I spent a career in the U.S. National Park Services, working in many USA national parks. My job for many years was to train national park rangers to lead interpretive walks, hikes, tours, and campfire programs in the national parks. I regularly audited and evaluated the interpretive presentation skills. I must tell you that after spending several days with your guide Fred, as he interpreted the natural and cultural features along the Inca Trail, and especially Machu Picchu, I saw in him a gifted and talented interpreter. Fred is not only knowledgeable about the Inca history, his presentations bring the history alive. He has a gift for illustrating his words and making an emotional connection with his audiences. As I noticed, listened, and observed the many other tour guides swarming the Machu Picchu site–who all seemed to be following the same script–I thought to myself how fortunate our tour group was to have Fred as our guide. He shared with us a depth of information and insight that I fear very few Machu Picchu visitors will ever receive. You are blessed to have such a talented man and leader on you staff.

Although I didn't get to spend as much time with guide Valentin as I did Fred, because Valentin had to spent most of the trip skillfully and compassionately bringing up the rear with struggling trekkers, but what I was able to observe in Valentin a man who is willing to do whatever takes to make your trek experience special. His constant, encouraging smile, his eagerness to help and assist, and his steadiness of character gave us all confidence that we would make it safely to our campsite each night and to our final destination, Machu Picchu. To me, Valentin represents the best in your Peruvian culture: kindness, honesty, health, and an open heart.

Mr. Quintana, thank you for providing us with such well trained guides. I will not hesitate to recommend your travel company to all of my USA friends, my only hope is that all your guides hold the same high standards I found in Fred and Valentin. Please convey my warmest thanks and appreciation to them both.


Norman (Terry) Lindsay
SAS Tour participant May 16-20, 2010

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Here's a shot of our wonderfull tour. It's thanks to Fred and Valentine that we had such a wonderfull educational trip with the WHOLE group. They've let us go our own way (after evalution from them) while paying more attention to the less physical attendees. Which me and Malin realy appreciated!. It felt like it was OUR tour. Thank you SAS and especiallly thank you to Fred and Valentine!!!
All the best from Holland and believe us It's THE TRIP to endure (we carried our own luggage) and enjoy.
Tip: do the wayna Picchu if you feel up to it.

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Lauren McChesney

I would like to express my deepest and most sincere gratitude to SAS for an amazing and unforgettable trek along the Inca Trail. From the first email before our trip until our departure from Cusco, everyone at SAS took excellent care of my mom, my aunt, and me, but I especially want to thank our guides: Valentin and Fredd. We literally would not have made it to Machu Picchu without them.
We knew going into the trek that we would be the slowest of the group, but we were unprepared for the altitude sickness and exhaustion. After the first half hour of hiking, we only saw the rest of the group and Fredd at a few rest stops, meals, and in the evenings. When we did see Fredd, he was a wonderful guide; very knowledgeable, outgoing, friendly, and concerned for our well being. At Machu Picchu especially, he demonstrated an extensive archaeological understanding, and my only regret is that we were not fast enough to spend more time with him and the rest of the group. Valentin stuck with us at the back for the entire trek, and I sincerely believe that it was only his patience, encouragement, and care that got us to Machu Picchu.
Beginning on the first day, my aunt unfortunately had a hard time and struggled with altitude sickness and exhaustion. As would become our trend, darkness fell before we reached camp, and we needed to stop every few feet to take a break. But Valentin, who had been with us all day, kept up his enthusiasm and encouragement. Fredd and several porters, despite having already reached camp and seen to the needs of the rest of the group, returned to us for the last part of the trek to light our path and help us for the rest of the way to camp. Once there, they administered oxygen to my aunt and made sure we were as comfortable as possible.
At the beginning of the second day we were amused to see that we had been assigned our own personal porter, Benedicto, who quietly shadowed us like a guardian angel for all of the second and third days just in case we needed more help. Despite having to take care of three rather slow hikers, Valentin and Benedicto never complained. I cannot possibly express my appreciation enough. Valentin treated my mom and aunt as if they were his own much-loved and respected mother and aunt, and helped keep my worry for them at bay by pointing out orchids, describing the Inca ruins, and trying to teach me Quechua.
In addition to Valentin, Fredd, and Benedicto, the other SAS porters, cooks, and coordinator all helped make the trip amazing. Each meal was a delicious masterpiece that nevertheless accommodated multiple dietary restrictions, and we were completely spoiled by being gently awoken each morning with hot tea. The care that was provided by everyone at SAS enabled us to overcome the altitude sickness and exhaustion and enjoy the spectacular trail and ruins; left to our own devices, we would have been absolutely miserable, and I highly doubt we would have made it to Machu Picchu. I have a great deal of respect and gratitude for everyone who helped create this amazing experience and who shared the history, culture, and beauty of the Inca Trail and those who created it.
This experience changed my life, and I will never forget the hike or the wonderful people we met along the way. I cannot find enough words to express my gratitude, so I will close by simply saying thank you; muchas gracias; sulpayki.

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Paul J. Wigowsky

Paul J. Wigowsky

The Inka Trail that I took with my daughter Susie was a fantastic adventure for both of us. Hilbert ("Hold Your Llamas") was a super guide who gave us the impression that the Inka Trail was a special journey through the ancient world of Nature (mountains, rivers, valleys, etc.) that we should share with everyone.
Thank you for organizing such a wonderful group of guides and porters.
Paul & Susie Wigowsky
June 5-8, 2010

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Graham & Neil Innes & Kirsteen Connelly

June 2010
Many thanks to all at SAS,in particular our guide Carlos the cooks and the horse handlers for making our experience on the Lares Trek at the end of May so memorable.Although the weather reminded us of home when crossing the high passes we had a great time in such a remote and beautiful area.We were also given the opportunity to meet some of the people who lived in the high mountains and have fond memories of 100 year old lady who allowed us all to have lunch in her home surrounded by her family and animals.We were amazed at the quality and variety of the meals created by our cooks at the campsites using only a gas burner and enjoyed the stories and information given to us by Carlos at mealtimes and throughout the trek.All in all a fantastic time!

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Roz Walker

Roz Walker

I would highly recommend the Inca trail with SAS, particularly with Jose and Valentin as guides. They were fantastically knowledgeable and made the four day trek in April/May one of the highlights of my six week trip around South America. Jose and Valentin were especially kind to me since I was still recovering from the injuries I had sustained after being mugged in Cusco right before starting the trail. A big thanks and a big hug to both of them! (Thanks also to the porters, who do such a fantastic job, and to the chef who made the best pancakes I have ever tasted!)

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Jo Henshall/Alzheimer's Society Trip 2010

Jo Henshall/Alzheimer's Society Trip 2010

I would like to thank Jose, Wilfredo, Amilka, Danny and all those most fantastic porters for ensuring that our trip to Peru really was the trip of a lifetime. Their insight into the Inca way of life was so inspiring. Their sensitivity towards each person in our group was heart warming. The scenery completely amazing and the chance to experience the Inca traditional way of life is something I shall never forget. Thankyou so very much for a fantastic trip.

(Don't you just love the photo of the Andean Boy!)

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Markrete Krikorian

Markrete Krikorian

Both guides were phenomenal. Wilfredo, the main guide, was expert at explaining each part of the trail as well as each historical site; it was clear that his enthusiasm resulted from knowledge of the facts, but more importantly from a deep respect and connection with his culture and its spirituality. Eric, the second guide, stood out as a leader in both his care and attention to the well being of everyone in the group and his limitless positivity. He made sure each member of the group had enough water and was feeling well at each point on the trek. He told jokes to cheer us up or walked with the last people of the group to make sure everyone was in high spirits and was enjoying the endless beauty surrounding us. Future groups would certainly benefit from having him as a main guide as he is very knowledgeable, funny, and enthusiastic. Furthermore, I would highly recommend SAS Travel as it is a professional and well-run organization, which offers trips that could change your perspectives and challenge you to change your life. Trek on!

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John and Emily Abercrombie

We were in Peru for three weeks for our honeymoon. The Hotel Marqueses was not originally in our plans for travel but was recommended to us by a friend of a friend. What a great recommendation! The service was wonderful and we loved our charming room overlooking the street and plaza. We were only slated to spend one night there as a stop along our trip but we changed our plans from staying in another hotel in Cusco to include five nights at the Hotel Marqueses. We have already recommended the hotel and SAS Travel to others we know who are looking into Peru as a destination for travel.

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Sara Lindblom,Sofia Nordin and Sofia Jönsson

Dear SAS,

We were in the group with SAS Travel during the extreme weather in the end of February with Fred and Ramiro as our guides. We want to express our gratefulness to our guides that practically saved us. During the last days when there were avalanches and landslides on the mountain and people were dying around us, they acted very professional and responsible. They took us over the mountain with deep knowledge and experience about the weather conditions and the nature. For that we are forever thankful. They are not only good guides, but also good psychologists and became good friends of ours during these scary days. They calmed us down, made jokes and treated us very well.

They saved our lives.

Please, forward this message to them and be aware of that you have the best guides ever.

We are also grateful to you at SAS that took good care of us when we finally got down to Aguas Calientes. We will recommend SAS Travel to all our friends.

Best regards,

Sara Lindblom
Sofia Nordin
Sofia Jönsson

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Ken Brody

For the General Manager of SAS Travel:

December 23 - 26 my family hiked the Inca Trail with SAS Travel.

It was unforgettable, incredible, and a super excellent experience !
A reason by the success of the trip is, in my opinion, the very good organization of this company SAS Travel.
From the people in the office to the people in trek, the quality of the equipment (tents, sleeping bags, etc.) everything helped to the excellent super experience. Finally I want to comment on the guides (Saul and Valentin).
These two gentlemen were so good, so professional, that it would be difficult to imagine that there are better guides in SAS Travel or Peru generally. Both of them showed us a mix of enthusiasm, knowledge of history, and discharge handling of the variety of situations in trek always being in which we (the clients) we felt comfortable and safe.
It is important to understand that I have 53 years, that I have much experience in Latin America….experience that does to me little cynical, and for that reason to live 4 days with Saul and Valentin, it had put my wife and 3 children basically in his hands, and to have a experience of our life is something that Saul, Valentin, and SAS Travel can be proud.

Thanks of my heart.

Best regards,
Ken Brody

Radio Communications Company.
Tel: 919-467-2421 919-467-2421 Fax: 919-467-6548

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Mabel and Ken Snyder

Dear David and other SAS staff,

This is a very late thank you for your excellent service when we visited Cusco in July 2009. (I meant to write earlier and can hardly believe that 9 months have already passed.)

We were so pleased with your services. We liked the Hotel Marqueses which you recommended and reserved for us.

It had a charming atmosphere and the location was very convenient to your office and to the main plaza. When you learned of the national transportation strike, you notified us immediately and made all the adjustments to change us from the 2 day Machu Picchu tour to the one day tour. With the extra day in Cusco, we took the one day Sacred Valley tour which was a real highlight.

We would highly recommend it !!

All in all, you came through with all that you promised in a very efficient and professional manner.

Thank you again.
Very sincerely,

Mabel and Ken Snyder

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Satnam Doad

Quiero que dar las gracias para organizar mi viaje, a todos los personas de SAS Travel, particularmente mi guia Roberto, sin quien no es possible esta viaje inolvidable. No solo disfrutaba el viaje, sino tambien como lo puede ver, mi Espanol ha mejorado mucho. Como lo recomienda por Roberto, yo visitaba Museo de Oro en Lima and lo encontraba maravilloso.

Seguro que Peru es un Pais muy bonita y su gente.....aun mas.

Satnam Doad

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